Content Syndication: Boost Your Authority

Content Syndication and the importance of letting other websites copy your content.

This shows Content Syndication between two websites,
Republishing helps us grow

Your content is reaching 10,000 views.

Ah, what organization and marketer does not dream of such numbers? However, 96.55% of content gets no traffic from Google.

When you create content and pour your heart and soul into each piece, this can be disheartening. We, as marketers, always strive to produce the best content for our audience and customers.

We want to develop a library of information that can help them make informed decisions about their purchases, or teach them about something new through our well-researched blogs, e-books, and many such content that has demanded our creative juices.

As a result, these numbers are staggering. But none of us are going to give up, are we? Absolutely Not. And this is where a strategy comes to life.

Content Syndication.

It is a way of reaching out to a wide audience. Telling them: Hello, we are here! And we are here to serve you.

What is Content Syndication?

Can you see the screenshot from Using What You Know to Manage the Machines (Part 1) (

In the editor’s note, look at the words, ‘This post is republished with permission.’

That, my friends, is the perfect example of content syndication. To clarify, content syndication is the strategy of publishing your content on other websites.

Either some publication/website will come to you because your content is good, or you will have to approach popular publications to showcase your content on your website. In this manner, you can promote your content and raise awareness of your brand through the help of publications.

The type of content you can syndicate can be as follows:





·Research Papers


·Case Studies

Benefits of Content Syndication

SEO is a marketer’s friend. It aids our organic visibility. Hence, the friend of SEO is content syndication.

Content Syndication when done with precision helps you rank higher. How?

When a publisher with a good domain authority publishes your content and links back to you, backlinking shares authority with you. And as we know, backlinks are a crucial factor in ranking organically.

Simultaneously, once a big enough publisher posts your content, you get eyes looking at it. People on the internet will know what kind of content you publish and who you are. Coming back to read/view more of your stuff.

You can choose two types of syndication:

1. Paid

2. Free

Depending on your goal and the type of content you want to promote, you must choose a strategy that benefits you.

Creating a high-quality syndication strategy is necessary for your content to flourish.

Firstly, you need well-researched and well-written content. Secondly, you need to choose the right publication website for your content. We have collated a guide of the top 14 paid and free-to-use websites, perfect for your syndication strategy.

Thirdly, you will have to decide the nature of your campaign. Whether you want it to be a free or a paid campaign.

Paid syndication has you approach websites to help you distribute your content through sponsored links.

Websites like Outbrain, Taboola, Zemanta, etc. allow you to showcase your content digitally.


1. Paid syndication is an easy way of reaching a wide network of audiences.

2. These campaigns are usually CPC (Cost-Per-Click), PPC (Pay-Per-Click), or CPL (Cost-Per-Lead). Your content is shown in the form of advertisements on certain websites.

3. A paid syndication campaign lets you define your audience and budget.

4. Subsequently, run your campaign for as long as you like for a budget that you have decided.


1. Paid content syndication does not offer any SEO value. When one of the goals of syndication is to build authority, this can become a major drawback.

2. If you have a lower budget, your content may not be syndicated to relevant sites.

3. According to Nielsen Norman Group, the number of people who scroll down to the bottom is 26%. And that is where syndicated content usually sits, below the comment section of a page. (You’ll find the data in their scanning and reading patterns section)

Free or Earned syndication campaigns

As the name goes, free syndication campaigns are free. It sees you approaching publications and them publishing the content on their website for the world to see.


1. One of the vital pros of free content syndication is boosting your authority score. When a publication with a good domain authority shares your content, it gives you a vote of confidence, which Google uses as a ranking factor.

2. This brings us to our second point. It helps immensely with SEO.

3. You build a network with publications.


1. You will have to create exceptional content. Which to say is not easy. High-quality work requires time and patience.

2. Publications may reject you if your content doesn’t meet their standards.

3. You will need to find a good publication that can help you reach your relevant audience. Or the great quality pieces you create won’t reach the right eyes.

Generating Leads through Content Syndication

Content Syndication is one of the best ways of reaching an audience, and generating leads.

With a robust content syndication strategy, you can reach the relevant audience through relevant info.

Whether you are creating an effective ABM tactic and pushing relevant info to specific accounts. Or through consent, nurturing your audience through follow-up articles, case studies, newsletters, etc. Syndication of your content will come in handy.

But how will they generate leads? Imagine you have a website that is not generating the traffic you expect. But you reach out to an agency or publication. With the help of their publishing websites, they will share that traffic with you. Simultaneously, the downloadable content that you have generated is downloaded through CTAs and lead magnets.

With a little nurturing, your audience will transform into relevant leads.

All of this is doable through Content Syndication.

At Coleda, we follow similar processes. As a result, this ensures our collaborators discover relevant and high-quality leads.

In Conclusion

Content Syndication is one of the most crucial strategies in marketing. It embodies the power of sharing.

It benefits the one whose content is shared and provides publishing sites with fresh and new content.

But the catch here is that you must ensure your content is high quality and adds value to the ones sharing it. From whitepapers to case studies to infographics, there is no limit to what can be syndicated.

As a result, you will find relevant audiences ready to be nurtured and transformed into high-quality leads.

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