White paper. Create content that compels your leads to take action.

White paper and the importance of research.
The journey of the white paper, how it started. Where it is now.

A white paper crafts authenticity that is based on data and technical proofs. Solve problems and educate your viewer base in the realest of terms.

What is a White paper?

Originating in Britain, the white paper, or whitepaper, is a detailed exploration of a product, service, or topic.

When we search white papers online, it gives us multiple results and multiple definitions of the same. But, the common consensus among marketers and policymakers alike is that a white paper dives into the details of a particular philosophy (technical or abstract) and aims to: –

1. Be authoritative/ persuasive

2. Address a problem

3. And provide a solution for that problem

The length of the white paper usually varies from organization to organization— and also on the depth of the topic. Usually, the length of a white paper can be around 2,500 words and above. An ideal piece should be specific enough to tackle and go into detail about any topic, product, or service.

Because of the persuasive nature of the paper, marketers are now crafting beautiful pieces. As a result, they are educational and aesthetically pleasing.

White papers help shape an organization’s credibility and bring in high-quality leads.

1. Detailed info

White papers allow us to be detailed. And not blog post detailed but microscopic with our presentation.

We can address pain points affecting our audience/market and prescribe a precise solution.

It gives us a platform to demonstrate our and our organization’s expertise in the field.

2. Increase credibility

For any product or service to be marketable, it has to be credible and address a logical problem. A paper aids in doing this; it helps build our credibility by giving us a platform to show how our product/service works and what problem it wishes to mitigate or eliminate.

3. Showcase research

The crux of a white paper is research. Collection of data, surveys, market problems, etc, are important tools in crafting the ideal product. They also display our credibility and allow our audience to learn.

We are here to share knowledge that converts, Knowledge that can be shared credibly, and white papers are one of the best ways to do it.

4. Lead Magnet

Converting an MQL to an SQL is not an easy task. There are many problems with it! One is irrelevancy. Our pieces can tackle this. How, you ask?

The Tech Lead at Google, Micah Lerner, believes reading a white paper is essential for career growth.

That says decision-makers see white papers as an influencing factor. They will help them make decisions. Thus, a relevant and educational white paper will catch the eyes of the one you want.

It is the perfect lead magnet.

5. Sales Collateral

Once a relevant Sales-Qualified Lead is found and vetted by our sales teams, that prospect will need to lead nurturing. One of the best lead nurturing strategies is the sales collateral. It is personalized content given to the sales team for a specific account or individual.

White papers can be personalized; through our collected research and data, we can craft a paper that talks to a single individual, addresses their pain points, and brings them hyper-specific solutions.

Good sales collateral comes from aligning the marketing and sales team.

6. Educational Content

Our job as marketers is to share our information and expertise with our audience. We do not move to sell but to inform and create awareness.

Our joy is in our audience’s deepening of an understanding. The white paper is the perfect tool for this.

Along with blogs, a white paper can help generate a treasure of knowledge.

7. White papers: Helping You Boost Authority

Building digital authority is essential for any organization. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of the B2B sales buyer and supplier interaction will be digital.

That means we must reach out to our audience and potential customers in the digital space. But having them find us through inbound marketing is not an easy task; we need strategies to have our relevant audience look at us.

We can do this by producing high-quality content like white papers and syndicating them through paid and free-to-use technologies

a.Content Syndication

Content Syndication is one of the best B2B strategies for increasing brand awareness. White paper distribution and reference give our domain authority in the process.


SEO is not just a buzzword. It has evolved in so many ways. Two of the main factors in helping a website rank organically are content and backlinks.

With a white paper, we have the content, but with the help of syndication practices, a credible and well-researched white paper will build backlinks.

It’s a good feedback loop: A well-researched white paper is shareable, and sharing content brings authority.

A good authority score means accounts take us seriously for our data and the research we provide.

Crafting the Ideal White Paper takes time but it gives your ROI a massive uplift.

Creating the golden goose of a white paper requires time, patience, and working together of a lot of departments. After all, staying in silos doesn’t make a B2B product or service.

1. In-depth research

A white paper is as good as its research. It is made by backing up our claims with data. Why should an organization choose us? With research, we can answer this question with irrefutable facts.

Our logic must not be based on shaky confidence; it should stand tall on the shoulders of research!

Research also helps us understand the market’s pain points and the lack of a solution.

2. Data Analysis

Research can only be backed by thorough data. And to make sense of any data we need to analyze it thoroughly. B2B is based on data, it has become the backbone of our industry.

We need data to understand our potential customers. We need data to understand how our product or service is behaving under certain circumstances, then we enable ourselves to craft a paper that shows the complete picture.

3. Problem-Solving

A great piece recognizes a problem plagued by the industry and gives a detailed and actionable solution to the problem— this can be through our products or services. In this white paper by IDC, commissioned by DELL, they identify the power big data possesses in solving problems regarding management and operations in business.

4. Authority

White papers have to be authoritative.

Does the piece have to be an expert opinion? No, it is not an opinion but a fact.

Our paper is a factual piece of content. It is absolute in what it is saying. If it is presenting a problem, then it exists. And so does the solution.

5. Good Design

Good design is essential for a credible white paper. This means creating relevant infographics that drive our point across, pie charts, bars, etc.

But it doesn’t end there. Good design also means choosing the right font and spacing between our characters.

A table of contents and a flow to each topic— informing each other and driving our point across.

6. Precise Writing

The writing for our paper should be technically sound and inform the readers clearly and concisely of the point it is trying to make.

Simple yet technical writing is the best. After all, it will be our writing’s job to make sense of everything and put forth our points authoritatively and convincingly.

7. Proofreading

The final piece of the puzzle: Proofreading. And it requires heavy collaboration; teams that have stakes in the paper are

·Product Managers





·E-Mail Marketers

·Subject Matter Experts, and more.

Everyone needs to review the piece so that the paper aligns with our company’s philosophy and does not falter.

We now know how to craft an “ideal” white paper.

Build your unique space in the B2B market, one white paper at a time. Give way to thought leadership.

White papers are essential to an organization. It is not just a piece of paper but a tool that drives lead generation and conversion.

B2B marketers can and should invest in creating one. It helps credibility, boosts ranking, and shows our expertise in our field.

Crafting an ideal paper requires time and cross-departmental collaboration. It is an opportunity to learn from each other and create something that is read and shared by many.

Let’s keep the conversation going! Reach out to us and tell us what your take on white papers is.

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