Alibaba Cloud introduces its new AI model

Alibaba Cloud introduces its new AI model

Alibaba Cloud introduces its new AI model

Alibaba Cloud, Alibaba Group’s digital technology and intelligence backbone, today unveiled its latest large language model, Tongyi Qianwen. The new AI model will be integrated into Alibaba’s various business units in the near future to improve user experience. The company’s customers and developers will have access to the model to cost-effectively build custom AI functions.

Alibaba Cloud also announced lower-cost options for key cloud products, including Elastic Compute Service (ECS) and Object Storage Service (OSS), by introducing new ECS instances, OSS Reserved Capacity (OSS-RC), and OSS Anywhere Reserved Capacity ( OSS-RC). ARC). The move will make computing more accessible and affordable for companies looking to unlock new opportunities in China’s new AI era.

“We are at a technological tipping point, powered by generative AI and cloud computing, and companies across all sectors have begun to embrace the transformation of intelligence to get ahead of the game,” said Daniel Zhang, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence. “As a leading global cloud computing service provider, Alibaba Cloud is committed to making computing and AI services more accessible and inclusive for businesses and developers to gain more insights, explore new business models for growth, and build more innovative products and services for society.”

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