Deep Learning Robotics to support Universal Robotics devices in its AI-powered Robotics Software

Deep Learning Robotics to support Universal Robotics devices in its AI-powered Robotics Software

Deep Learning Robotics to support Universal Robotics devices in its AI-powered Robotics Software

Deep Learning Robotics (DLRob), a leading provider of AI robotics software, has announced its support for new hardware devices in its latest software update. The new update will allow DLRob’s customers to connect and control a wider range of robotic devices, including Universal Robots’ UR series.

DLRob’s software will allow customers to take full advantage of DLRob’s plug-and-play tasks and teach-by-demonstration technology with Universal Robots’ UR series, allowing them to use the software’s powerful and easy-to-use automation capabilities can take full advantage of these additional devices.

“We are very pleased to announce our support for these new hardware devices,” said the CEO of DLRob. “By expanding our range of supported devices, we are enabling our customers to achieve even greater automation and efficiency in their operations with their preferred brands of robots, which is critical in today’s competitive environment.”

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