iOS Keyboard from ParagraphAI is Available Now

The First Native iOS Keyboard Powered by GPT-3 is Available Now

iOS Keyboard from ParagraphAI is Available Now

The iOS keyboard plugin from ParagraphAI, a top supplier of GPT-3-powered writing solutions, has come out of stealth mode and is now available for customer usage. Both free and subscription users of the ParagraphAI kieyboard may rapidly generate unique messages or create answers based on prior communications.

“I couldn’t be prouder of our team here at ParagraphAI and what we have built (and continue to improve on),” said Co-founder and CEO, Shail Silver. “The keyboard has been our labor of love for a long time and it’s a great feeling to see it come out of stealth mode and be ready for consumer use.”

Using the GPT-3.5 natural language processing tool from OpenAI, paragraph the pioneering keyboard from AI enables users to:

  • Create retorts based on earlier messages.
  • Instantaneously create text paragraphs from basic prompts
  • View live corrections for tone, grammar, and spelling.

“The power of large language models like GPT is game-changing,” said co-founder and CTO, Kevin Frans. “At ParagraphAI we are making this power accessible to everyone — we’re intensely focused on intuitive user experience and ease of use.”

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