MilkAI appears as a supportive platform for visuals created by cutting AI technology

Discover Stunning Images Produced by High-End AI Technology with MilkAI

MilkAI appears as a supportive platform for visuals created by cutting AI technology

In the most recent evolution, MilkAI appears as a platform that supports photographs and videos and finds breathtaking visuals created by cutting-edge AI technology. With the use of AI-enabled visual creation, the AI tool brings concepts to life. Additionally, the ERC20 token for MilkAI provides a one-of-a-kind chance for anyone to own stock in MilkAI. The benefits of revenue sharing and the ability to occupy a key role within the ecosystem are provided to the token’s holder via the token.

The utility token makes a substantial contribution to the ecosystem by giving the services and giving its holders access to special features and exceptional rights. With 30% shares, the MilkAI token is quickly becoming a cutting-edge and powerful token. 30% of the entire MilkAI earnings, which is dispersed through staking pools, will go to the token holders. Through this strategy, which allows 20% of MilkAI’s overall earnings to a monthly buyback and burn program, the platform supports its token holders. By taking part in affiliate programs, MilkAI is able to grow thanks to a 5% portion of the overall income.

The MilkAI token’s main feature is income sharing, among other things. The income created by nine different sources is divided among the token holders. All token holders have a special chance to profit from the project’s success thanks to the revenue-sharing mechanism, including:

  • Premium Subscription: Token holders may utilize premium subscriptions to access AI-powered picture-generating technology. These subscriptions generate income through recurring fees that users must pay in order to have full access.
  • API Access: With API access, users may take control of their professional or personal projects and earn money by paying to use the platform’s services.
  • Token Tax Sharing: As part of the tax sharing schemes, token holders receive a piece of the buy and sell token tax produced by volume.
  • NFT Creator Program: Users have the option to utilize the NFT creator program by monetizing their AI-generated content using NFT software and earning a percentage of the revenue from transactions involving distinctive digital assets.
  • Image and Video Sharing Program: MilkAI, a platform for sharing AI-generated photos and movies, earn money through partnerships, subscription fees, and other means by charging users for premium goods and services.
  • Exclusive Capabilities: The MilkAI platform, which makes money by charging access fees for the unique AI features, allows users to access exclusive content and services.

Staking the tokens also grants a portion of the platform’s earnings and contributes to the ecosystem’s security and upkeep, making it more stable and effective. Users that stake their tokens can get incentives in the form of ETH, generating a consistent flow of automatic income.

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