VISO TRUST brings innovation to the forefront with AI

VISO TRUST brings innovation to the forefront with AI

VISO TRUST brings innovation to the forefront with AI

VISO TRUST, the emerging cybersecurity company at the forefront of automating vendor due diligence, continues to innovate with AI and machine learning to improve its approach to third-party risk management. With the release of its expanded platform capabilities and AI capabilities, VISO TRUST is revolutionizing the way companies assess and manage their third-party relationships.

“Our platform automates and accelerates third-party due diligence processes at scale. With VISO TRUST, customers see near 100 percent vendor adoption, 90 percent time savings in vendor assessment, and data-driven results that are defensible and scalable for any security program,” added Paul Valente, CEO of VISO TRUST.

VISO TRUST’s third-party cyber risk management platform leverages a suite of industry-leading proprietary artificial intelligence services called VISO Oracle, including their core offering: Artifact Intelligence, which discovers, classifies, and scores relevant control information in source artifacts that third parties already have. Unlike traditional risk assessment or questionnaire-based methods, VISO TRUST’s modern approach eliminates manual assessments with end-to-end automated due diligence, simplifying vendor collaboration to mere minutes and delivering highly accurate, actionable information that would otherwise not be possible previous methods. VISO TRUST’s AI-powered platform saves time, reduces costs and improves the overall effectiveness of vendor risk management for security managers and practitioners.

“VISO TRUST’s complementary combination of expertise and innovation in AI is key to our ability to manage third-party risk. Their platform enables fast and accurate assessment, backed by the data we need to make critical supplier assessments and stay ahead of emerging cyber risks. As both a client and investor, we are excited to see VISO TRUST fully embracing the next frontier of AI to continue its innovation journey,” said Mark Sutton, CISO at Bain Capital.

The company’s commitment to innovation and AI gives it an edge, providing customers with the insights they need to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. With new beta features like Risk Network, Intelligent Questionnaire Response and continuous innovation, VISO TRUST is revolutionizing the way companies assess and manage their third-party relationships.

risk network
The Risk Network goes beyond the third party to provide an expanded and comprehensive view of an organization’s vendor network, allowing GRC and security professionals to monitor vendor relationships in real-time and quickly identify previously unknown 4th party relationships discovered with VISO Oracle can.

Intelligent Questionnaire Response
Intelligent Questionnaire Response is a powerful GPT-enabled tool built on top of VISO Oracle to automate manual questionnaire processes during vendor risk assessment. All you have to do is upload any security-related documentation and source material you already have available, then upload any Vendor Due Diligence Questionnaire and send it fully answered back to your valuable customer within minutes.
“Our approach is fundamentally different from other solutions on the market today. At VISO TRUST, we prioritize innovation, and that means we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the space of third-party and cyber risk management,” said Russell Sherman, CTO of VISO TRUST.

VISO TRUST’s approach is based on its commitment to leverage cutting-edge technologies such as AI and machine learning to modernize and revolutionize TPRM. The company’s emerging SaaS platform enables companies to reject the status quo of existing solutions and actually automate their entire TPRM program end-to-end.

With VISO TRUST, companies can be confident that they have a strong ally in reducing third-party risks. The company’s commitment to innovation and AI gives it an edge, providing customers with the insights they need to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

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